Volume IX, Issue 2, 2015


Population in History

Ioan Bolovan, Alexandru Moraru, Marius Eppel – Statistical Contributions Concerning the Orthodox Population in Cluj during the First Years after the Union of Transylvania with Romania


Our article shows that the new political realities that gained ground after the Great Union brought about major economic, social, cultural and demographic changes. The numerical increase of the Romanian demographic segment in Cluj also led to an increase in the number of Orthodox parishioners. From a demographic point of view, there was registered a phenomenon of population growth in the city of Cluj. A comparison between the Censuses of 1920 and 1930 and the Census of 1910 reveals that the Romanian population in the city of Cluj experienced an upward trend, by contrast with the Hungarian population. An explanation for the growth of the Romanian population in Cluj in the years following the Union is the industrialization and the social-economic modernization of the city. The economic development of Cluj attracted labour from the surrounding rural areas.


Orthodox population, Great Union, Cluj

Bogdan Crăciun, Crinela Holom, Vlad Popovici – Historical Population Database of Transylvania: Methodology Employed in the Selection of Settlements and Micro Zones of Interest


The present paper elaborates on the way in which the first sample of settlements whose historical population previous to 1918 will be included in the Historical Population Database of Transylvania has been selected. The selection was made so as to meet certain requirements related to the quality of existing sources, to ensure balanced ethnic-denominational representation, unity and homogeneity of the micro zones comprising the selected settlements. The twelve selected micro zones incorporate a sample covering almost 7% of the historical population of Transylvania, making possible a long- and medium-term research.


HPDT, Transylvania, micro zones, sample, population databases.

Carmen Ţâgşorean – Patriarchal Relationships in Romanian Rural Communities in Transylvania (Second Half of the 19th Century – Early 20th Century


One of communist propagandas objectives was to attract a large number of members. For immediate results, these members were the young adults. Aware of the limited possibilities to convert adults’ mentality, the communists focused their attention on children, whose beliefs and attitudes may be formed in accordance with their ideology. The techniques of the children’s manipulation can be found in every aspect of life, but for the purpose of this study we will focus on one of the most effective means of propaganda the newspapers namely, the children’s magazine Pionierul . Our analysis will include the numbers issued in the first year of Pionierul magazine, reviewing the means of manipulation, propaganda and disinformation used by the editorial board in order to form the new man.


propaganda, manipulation, disinformation, children, Pionierul.

Contemporary Population

Cornelia Mureşan, Paul-Teodor Hărăguş – Norms of Filial Obligation and Actual Support to Parents in Central and Eastern Europe


Country differences in intergenerational relationships are not only attributable to economic, policy, housing contexts but also to a cultural tendency towards closer intergenerational ties. This study is a cross-national comparison regarding the relationship between norms of filial obligation and actual giving of financial support and care in several Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries as compared to Western Europe. We examine to what extent norms of filial obligation are consistent with helping behaviour, whether the responsiveness to norms varies by country context, and whether CEE countries differ from societies benefiting of more generous public support to ageing people. The data used in this study come from the Generation and Gender Programme. We show that actual support to parents is not more prevalent in CEE than in Western European (WE) countries, even if norms of filial obligations are more strongly expressed. On the contrary, emotional support has a higher prevalence in WE. However, the connection between filial responsibility and instrumental care is stronger in CEE, while the connection between financial help and norms of filial obligation is stronger in WE. In CEE countries contrasting mechanisms may play: in some countries people have no choice but to assist parents in need financially, but in others they do not provide such help as they do not consider financial support being part of their filial obligations. Interestingly, we did not find any connection between filial responsibility and emotional support to parents, neither in East nor in West European countries.


Intergenerational solidarity, norms of filial obligations, support to parents, country contexts, Central and Eastern Europe, Generations and Gender Programme

Luminita Dumănescu – Being a Child in a Mixed Family in Nowadays Transylvania


Some text..


Mihaela Hărăguș – Dynamics of Mixed Unions in Transylvania, Romania


Some text..


Iulia Stanciu – Changes on the Wedding Ceremony as an Effect of Migration. A Rural Community from Braşov County


Some text..


Arnold Weiszenbacher – Analysis on Immigration from EU10 States in Ireland between 2004 and 2010


Following the EU enlargement in 2004, Ireland decided to carry out an economic experiment by not imposing restrictions on the labour market. In this paper we investigate the economic and social impact of these measures, showcasing the difficulties encountered by immigrants, with disproportional earnings related to their qualifications, improper representation in the sectors of the economy and exploitation being preeminent. Negative impacts to the labour market such as displacement are also discussed. We conclude that immigration doesn’t pose a threat to the native workforce and can have a positive effect on the receiving country as long as the migrant population has the same rights as native workers.


Immigration, EU10 Member States, Sector analysis, Displacement, Exploatation

Book Review

Ion Gumenai (2013) Comunităţile romano-catolice, protestante şi lipoveneşti din Basarabia în secolul al XIX-lea (Les communautés romano-catoliques, protestants et Lipovenes de Bessarabie au XIXe siecle). Chişinău: Institutul de Studii Enciclopedice, 283 pages (reviewed by Liana Lăpădatu)