Ionuţ Földes

Intergenerational Care Giving Transfers within Kinship Relations: Rural-Urban Comparison

Ionuţ Földes

Article information

Volume: IX Issue: 1, Pages: 104-128
Ionuţ Földes
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work,
Teodor Mihali 58, Cluj Napoca, Romania,


In the context of various changes related to family and as well to the idea of familism, numerous questions are raised about the consequences of these transformations on intergenerational transfers between members of extended family. Bulgaria and Romania, two former socialist countries, are beginning to face the same demographic changes, so a new niche starts to worth to be explored for the two countries. Focusing on practical support provided by adult children and by parents, the article will address a both a descriptive and an explanatory approach on the differences between rural and urban areas in Bulgaria and Romania. Using personal and family characteristics, living arrangements and opinions about family responsibilities, I will try to show on what grounds informal support transfers occur.

Keywords: family relationship, intergenerational transfers, functional solidarity, normative solidarity.


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