Viorela Ducu

Online/Offline Couple Interviews in the Study of Transnational Families

Viorela Ducu

Article information

Volume: XI Issue: 1, Pages: 107-120
Viorela Ducu
Babeş-Bolyai University, Centre for Population Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


This essay-type article aims to highlight some novel aspects we have confronted while using the named interview type as a data collection tool. Thus, in this paper we present, on the one hand, the sensitive elements in employing this type of interview: the argument for introducing these in experimental design; recruitment of participants and data protection; types of data obtained. On the other hand, we have signalled two exceptional aspects within couple interviews: the role of one of the partners as interviewer and the unveiling of family secrets through couple interviews. Through this article, we wish to draw the attention of researchers on this type of data collection as a useful tool in the study of families in general and of transnational families in particular.

Keywords: couple, joint, interview, data collection, online, offline, video, practices, families, transnational


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