Magdalena Żadkowska

Kaufmann’s Comprehensive Interview Applied in a Longitudinal Study of Migrant Couples: Notes from the Field

Magdalena Żadkowska

Article information

Volume: XI Issue: 1, Pages: 59-78
Magdalena Żadkowska
University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland


The longitudinal study of Par Migration Project (Socio-cultural and Psychological Predictors of Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality – Cross-Cultural Comparison of Polish and Norwegian Families) is the task of sociological work package. The study is designed using feminist approach that let Respondents speak for themselves. According to it on one hand men and women involved in the study have total anonymity and right to leave the study in any moment they wish, on the other hand all Respondents may become involved in the project more and more each year of participation if they will. In presented paper I share the process of recruitment procedure, correspondence challenges and creation of interviews calendar. Such a complex and comprehensive study makes the researchers be sure to obtain as an accurate image of everyday-life practices and challenges Respondents deal with, as it is possible. In the article I present the dilemmas and issues concerning the role of the researcher. The final section is focused on interviewees and communication with research team, as well as on the description of the interview setting. In the end it let me conclude with the evaluation of joint interview (interview with couple).

Keywords: longitudinal study, sociology of couple, qualitative methods.


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