Iulia-Elena Hossu

Family Cohesion. “Diffuse Family” Practices and the Transnational Perspective

Iulia-Elena Hossu

Article information

Volume: XII Issue: 1, Pages: 37-56
Iulia-Elena Hossu
Babeş-Bolyai University, Centre for Population Studies, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


The article holds forth on identity and analyses the most important transnational practices which keep the cohesion of family in the case of Romanian migration. For a period of time, communication through letters, telephones or known people were the only available ways for those left to work abroad. Visits in the country were rare or absent and relatives’ visits were also rare. The situation has gradually changed, with new practices looming or being structured. In trying to detect the importance of these practices, I analyse their evolution and actual situation, highlighting the importance that these practices have had and continue to have in keeping the cohesion of transnational families. The study is based on materials derived from a qualitative research in four communities – two in Romania and two abroad.

Keywords: transnational families, practices, cohesion, social space


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