
Health-related Determinants of Demographic Ageing in the European Union

Mihaela Simionescu

Article information

Volume: XIV Issue: 2, Pages: 111-128
Mihaela Simionescu
Institute for Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy 050711, Casa Academiei, 13, Calea 13 Septembrie, 50711 Bucharest, Romania. Centre for Migration Studies in Prague Business School 152 000, Werichova 1145/29, Prague 5, Czech Republic;


The main goal of this research is to identify some health-related determinants of demographic ageing in European Union (EU-28) countries over 2004-2019. Some panel data models are built for explaining overall ageing index and the ageing index by gender. In EU-28, the life expectancy growth and self-perceived health were determinants for overall ageing index over 2004-2019. There are differences between older people by gender. A good and very good self-perceived health for women ensured a higher ageing index while for males the increase in life expectancy is a determinant of demographic ageing. The active ageing is a concern of the policy makers that developed and implemented suitable strategies to ensure a high active ageing index. Some clusters are constructed according to ageing indexes values and some recommendations are made for certain countries in the clusters.

Keywords: ageing index, active ageing, self-perceived health, life expectancy


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