Kušniráková 2021

Institutional Care for Orphaned Children in the Kingdom of Hungary (From Private Charity to a State System)

Ingrid Kušniráková

Article information

Volume: XV Issue: 2, Pages: 39-62
Ingrid Kušniráková
Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences, ‘
Klemensova 2522/19, 811 09 Bratislava – Staré Mesto-Staré Mesto, Slovacia,


The study provides a synthetic view of the history of institutional care for orphans in the Kingdom of Hungary from the mid-18th century to the final decades of the 19th century. The first orphanages in the country emerged at the beginning of this period, with objectives that were overwhelmingly defined in religious terms. At the end of this period about a hundred orphanages existed in the country and there was extensive debate in society about the need to create, with the support of the state, an efficient system that would provide care to all groups of children in need, not only of orphans but also rejected, abandoned and neglected children. The state did not regulate the institutional care for orphaned children in any manner; the admission criteria, level of care and the education provided was entirely dependent on the wishes of the founder or administrator.


Hungary, 18th – 19th century, orphanages, provision of orphans



Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár – Országos Levéltár (MNL OL)

A 35 Conceptus expeditionum 1527 – 1770

A 39 Acta generalia 1770 – 1848

C 39 Acta fundationalia

C 67 Departmentum litterario-politicum 1773 – 1848

C 69 Departamentum scholarum nationalium 1776 – 1848

C 80 Departamentum fundationum saecularium 1783 – 1848

Országos Szechényi könyvtár, Kézirattár (OSZK)

Fol. lat. 695 – Acta deputationis regnicolaris litterariae a diaeta Regni Hungariae anno 1790. ordinatae, anno 1793. Pestini terminatae.

Fol. lat. 853 – Benignae ideales resolutiones regiae sphaeram commissionis studiorum et scholarum respicientes. Szombathelyi Egyházmegyei Levéltár (SzEL).

Kelcz-Adelffy árvaház iratai 1750-1949

Püspöki levéltár, I. Acta cancellariae, Kelcz-Adelffy árvaház

Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky – Štátny archív Bratislava

Bratislavská župa I. Kongregačné písomnosti.

Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky – Štátny archív Žilina so sídlom v Bytči

Biskupský sirotinec Nitrianskej diecézy v Žiline.

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