Review process
Papers submitted for publication in the Romanian Journal of Population Studies undergo an evaluation process which consists in several steps.
First, the articles enter a selection process where the Editor, the Deputy Editor and the Editorial Assistant check for conformity with the subject areas of the journal and with the guidelines for submission.
If the initial criteria are fulfilled, in the next step the article is sent for review to two independent experts in the field, making sure that they belong to different institutions than those of the author(s).
Throughout the review process the identity of both reviewers and author(s) will remain undisclosed (double blind review system).
The reviewers will be tasked with evaluating the quality of the article, by taking into account the following procedures:
- Form-based review which asseses general aspects of the article
- Written evaluation, containing comments, observations, critiques and suggestions for improvement (up to 3 pages)
- Recommendation regarding the acceptance of the paper (Acceptance for publication in its present form; Acceptance for publication, after revision and the implementation of reviewer suggestions; Rejection).
Comments, suggestions and recommendations regarding the acceptance of the paper are sent to the author(s). If the author(s) decide that some comments/suggestions are not possible to implemented, a brief explanation of the reason must be included in the form of a reply letter, upon resubmission.