Corina Doboş

“For a More Just World”: Population and Politics at the World Population Conference, Bucharest 1974

Corina Doboş

Article information

Volume: IX Issue: 1, Pages: 152-164
Corina Doboş
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest,
4-12 Regina Elisabeta Bvld., Bucharest, Romania,


Keywords: population, development, family-planning, World Population Conference 1974


Primary Sources

AD- Arhivele Diplomatice (Archives of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Problema ONU Fund: 6226/1974, 6237/1974.

ANIC- Arhivele Naţionale Istorice Centrale (National Archives of RomaniaHeadquarters), ASSP-Sociologie Fund: 16/1974, 17/1974. C.C. al P.C.R-Relaţii Externe Fund: 313/1974.

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