Kon K. Madut

Stages of Labor Market Integration and Strategies among the Racialized Migrants-Study

Kon K. Madut

Article information

Volume: IX Issue: 1, Pages: 25-38
Kon K. Madut
University of Ottawa, School of Political Studies,
30 Montana Way, Ottawa, ON K2J 4M5 Canada,
613-580-2424 ext 24679,


This article explores racialized migrants labour market integration strategies, utilizing many of their own words which were gathered through an intensive one-on-one interviews followed by a focus group interview with 30 participants. The outcome revealed 10 phases of jobs search strategies and its outcomes. The results highlights migrants resiliency in dealing with difficulties of acquiring new skills and securing employment in their local labour market. These difficulties subsequently led to accepting entry level jobs, re-training for new skills, working overseas or relocating nationally and internationally to work in their field. Keywords: labor market, migration, ethnicity, employment, integration, exclusion.

Keywords: labor market, migration, ethnicity, employment, integration, exclusion


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