Ioan Bolovan

Statistical Contributions Concerning the Orthodox Population in Cluj during the First Years after the Union of Transylvania with Romania

Ioan Bolovan, Alexandru Moraru, Marius Eppel

Article information

Volume: IX Issue: 2, Pages: 7-16
Ioan Bolovan
Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Romanian Academy, Centre for Transylvanian Studies,
1 M. Kogalniceanu st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 00-40-264-405300,; Babes-Bolyai University
Alexandru Moraru
Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Episcop Nicolae Ivan st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Marius Eppel
Babeş-Bolyai University, Centre for Population Studies,
68 Avram Iancu st., Cluj-Napoca, Romania,


Our article shows that the new political realities that gained ground after the Great Union brought about major economic, social, cultural and demographic changes. The numerical increase of the Romanian demographic segment in Cluj also led to an increase in the number of Orthodox parishioners. From a demographic point of view, there was registered a phenomenon of population growth in the city of Cluj. A comparison between the Censuses of 1920 and 1930 and the Census of 1910 reveals that the Romanian population in the city of Cluj experienced an upward trend, by contrast with the Hungarian population. An explanation for the growth of the Romanian population in Cluj in the years following the Union is the industrialization and the social-economic modernization of the city. The economic development of Cluj attracted labour from the surrounding rural areas.

Keywords: Orthodox population, Great Union, Cluj


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