Padurean 2022

The Population of Timişoara at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Corneliu Pădurean

Article information

Volume: XVI Issue: 1, Pages: 61-74
Corneliu Pădurean
University Aurel Vlaicu of Arad,
Revoluţiei Bulevard 77, 310032, Arad, Romania,


After it was awarded the status of “free royal city” on December 21st 1781, Timişoara witnessed the prospect of novel developments in various fields. The colonization process carried out by the Austrian state after the conquest of the Banat in 1716 with a population of German origin, and then by the Hungarian authorities, changed the ethnic and confessional composition of the province. This demographic policy also marked the population of Timişoara. The present article aims, based on the results of the Hungarian census of 1900, to identify the main demographic characteristics of the population of the city located on the Bega River.


Banat, urban, demographics, ethnicity, denomination, dynamics.


Primary sources

Census (1871). A Magyar Korona Országaiban az 1870 év elején végrehajtott népszámlálása eredménye [The census of Hungary from 1870] Pesta: Az Országos Magyar Kir. Statistikai Hivatal.

MSK (1902). “A Magyar Korona Országainak 1900 évi Népszámlálása. A népesseg általános leirása kőzségenkint” [The census of Hungary from 1900. General description of the population by locality] Magyar Statisztikai Kőzlemények. New series, 1, Budapest.

MSK (1904). “A Magyar Korona Országainak 1900 évi Népszámlálása. A népesség foglalkozása kőzségenkint” [The census of Hungary from 1900. Occupation of the population by locality ] Magyar Statisztikai Kőzlemények. New series, II, Budapest.

MSK (1907). “A Magyar Korona Országainak 1900 évi Népszámlálása. A népesseg részletes leirása” [The census of Hungary from 1900. Detailed description of the population] Magyar Statisztikai Kőzlemények, New series, V, Budapest.

Secondary sources

Munteanu, I., Munteanu, R. (1998), Timiş Monografie [Timis Monograph], Timişoara: Marineasa

Munteanu, I., Munteanu, R. (2002), Timişoara. Monografie [Timişoara Monograph], Timişoara: Mirton