
Population Ageing. Romania in a European Context

Vicențiu-Robert Gabor, Ciprian Iftimoaei, Ionuţ-Cristian Baciu

Article information

Volume: XVI Issue: 2, Pages: 81-110
Vicențiu-Robert Gabor,
Faculty of Geography and Geology,
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi
Iasi County Department of Statistics within National Institute of Statistics,
69 Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt Blvd., 700075 Iaşi V
Ciprian Iftimoaei,
Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences,
“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi,
Iasi County Department of Statistics within National Institute of Statistics,
69 Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt Blvd., 700075 Iaşi,
Ionuţ-Cristian Baciu,
Iaşi County Department of Statistics within National Institute of Statistics,
69 Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt Blvd., 700075 Iaşi,


This article is dedicated to the memory of Professor Emeritus Doctor Traian Rotariu, founder and director of the Centre for Population Studies at the “Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, a researcher with outstanding contributions in the fields of population sociology, demography, social statistics and research methodology in the social sciences. The purpose of this comparative analysis is to show how the structure of Romania’s population evolved, in a European context, in the period 1990-2020 and to forecast the trends of demographic ageing. Starting from the sociologist and demographer T. Rotariu’s contribution to the research of the ageing population phenomenon, mentioning other contributions from the specialized literature, we define this phenomenon from a double perspective – demographic and sociological -, we present the statistical indicators used to describe the volume, structure and evolution of the population in the member countries of the European Union. With the help of the ArcGIS Pro cartography software, we created a series of maps to represent the evolution of statistical indicators from 1990-2020. We used the Jenks method to group the data at the spatial level. The age pyramid was used as a demographic tool to represent the evolution of the population structure of the EU-27 Member countries.


population ageing, ageing index, demographic dependency ratio


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