Birou 2023

Romanian and Moldovan Migrant Families between National and Transnational Welfare Policies

Mara Birou, Iulia-Elena Hossu

Article information

Volume: XVII Issue: 1, Pages: 85-106
Mara Birou
Babeş-Bolyai University, Centre for the Study of Transnational Families, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences,
85 Minerilor St, 400409, Cluj-Napoca, România
And Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Department of Social Work, Journalism, Public Relations and Sociology,
2-4 Lucian Blaga Street, Sibiu, Romania,,
Iulia-Elena Hossu
Babeş-Bolyai University, Centre for the Study of Transnational Families, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences,
85 Minerilor Street, 400409, Cluj-Napoca, România
And Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities,
5 Gavril Muzicescu St, 400697 Cluj-Napoca, România,


This study is carried out on the basis of the data collected within the action project ‘Children left behind by labour migration – Support of Moldovan and Ukrainian transnational families in the EU’ (CASTLE – Children Labor Support Transnational Families Eu) by the Center for the Study of Transnational Families. We analysed the peculiarities of welfare policies through a qualitative approach based on a set of interviews with key stakeholders collected in 2022 both in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. It highlights the reality of today’s national social policies in the two states and associates the measures of public authorities and NGOs with their tendency to propose transnational welfare practices. We have comparatively identified the national social policies regarding migrant families. Our findings highlight the need for transnational expansion of public support measures for both countries.


transnational families, social policies, transnational welfare, Romania, Republic of Moldova.


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