
Latest articles

Volume XVII, Issue 2, July-December 2023

Occupations and Social Class Transformations in Two Mining Areas in Transylvania (1850-1910)

Elena Crinela Holom, Luminiţa Dumănescu, Daniela Mârza

Pages: 5-24

Mihaela Sabou

Pages: 25-40

Volume XVII, Issue 1, January-June 2023
Special issue: “Children Left Behind by Labour Migration”
Guest Editor: Mihaela Hărăguş

Guest Editor’s Note

Pages 5-8

The Socialization of Stay-behind Children in the Republic of Moldova Following Labour Migration of their Parents

Elena Vaculovschi, Galina Ţurcan

Pages 9-32

Adjusting to Change: School-related Practices and Perceptions in Moldovan and Ukrainian Transnational Families

Daniela Angi

Pages 33-64

Specific Needs of Children Left Behind by Labour Migration in the Republic of Moldova

Dorin Vaculovschi

Pages 65-44

Local Human Development of Rural Places in Romania: a Community Capitals Framework

Dumitru Sandu

Pages 75-94

Romanian and Moldovan Migrant Families between National and Transnational Welfare Policies

Mara Birou, Iulia-Elena Hossu

Pages 85-106

Participatory Research and Social Action with Adolescents Concerning Transnational Families

Eva Laszlo, Cristina Triboi

Pages 107-126