Iulia Elena Hossu

Video Research in the Study of Transnational Families

Iulia Elena Hossu

Article information

Volume: XI Issue: 1, Pages: 131-138
Iulia Elena Hossu
Babeş-Bolyai University, Centre for Population Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


This paper exhibits and puts to questions the main challenges involved in the research methodology on the subject of transnational families. The data analyzed are the result of the first fieldwork campaign undertaken as part of a bigger research project on the topic of transnational families. The first part of the fieldwork was done in several villages from the rural area of Suceava and Bistriţa Năsăud, counties characterized by a larger than usual migration rate. The main objective of the research consists in analyzing the strategies through which the transnational families manage their specific way of life. In this context, the project implementation team has assumed the role of developing an innovative methodology in this domain, that will combine qualitative field research methods with visual recording methods and documents (photo and video). This methodology will be represented through composite video.

Keywords: innovative methodology, transnational families, migration, video, composite video


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