Volume XIV, Number 2, 2020



Daniela Deteşan – Divorce Cases Among the Gentlefolk of Sălişte within the Second Half of the 19th Century

Ioana Nicoleta Găurean – Images of a Queen at War:Marie of Romania’s Evolving Relationship with the Press, 1914-1918

Oana-Ramona Ilovan – Building Characters and Territorial Identities during Socialist Romania, in Comics for Communist Pioneers

Elena Stanciu-Gorun – Rural and Urban in the Romanian Fiction Film of the’60s

Mihaela Simionescu – Health-related Determinants of Demographic Ageing in the European Union

Book Review

Spinney, L. (2020) Gripa spaniolă din 1918. Pandemia care a schimbat lumea / The Spanish flu from 1918. The Pandemic that changed the World. Bucureşti: Corint. ISBN: 978-606-793-778-7. 400p.(Reviewed by: Mihaela Sabou).