María Cristina Carrillo Espinosa

The Virgin of “EL CISNE” and the Ecuadorian Families Resident in Madrid

María Cristina Carrillo Espinosa

Article information

Volume: XI Issue: 1, Pages: 23-34
María Cristina Carrillo Espinosa
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain 


This article reflects on the relationship between religion and the bonds between transnational families. The case I document is the cult of the Virgin of “El Cisne” also known by her worshipers as La Churona, whose origin comes from a province in the South of Ecuador and who now is also worshiped in Madrid, Spain. The main objective is to examine the role of the figure of the Virgin from a familiar and subjective stand. It is of interest on a meso-level to look at the transnational families like a key component in the transmission and the sustain of religious practices and on a micro-level by focusing on the subjectivity, especially on female immigrants centered on the link between the Virgin and the exercise of transnational maternity.

Keywords: religion, transnational families, the Virgin of “El Cisne”, ethnographic film


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