Tosa et al 2019

Spatial Mobility Survey Framework for Bucharest-Ilfov Metropolitan Area: A Life-course Approach

Cristian Toşa, Tomio Miwa, Takayuki Morikawa

Article information

Volume: XIII Issue: 2, Pages: 25-34
Cristian Toşa,
School of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Tomio Miwa,
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University, Japan
Takayuki Morikawa,
Institute of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University, Japan


The collapse of the socialist bloc in late 1989 exposed Romania to the global economy to certain degrees, restructuring its internal economic market, as well as political and administrative structures, bringing significant changes to the structural and functional characteristics of urban areas. As the built environment and socio-economic characteristics exert significant impact on travel behavior, in order to better understand it, the field of transportation research requires longitudinal data. A methodological framework was developed to grasp biographical processes of individuals living in the metropolitan area of Bucharest-Ilfov. Data was collected by means of an online life-course retrospective survey among a representative sample within the area of interest. Our study lays out the experimental design, as well as the data collection process of the personal history dynamics between 1989 and 2016, considering locations of residence, education and employment, as well as the associated travel behavior. The framework intends to promote a multidisciplinary approach to the research of life-course events and their impact on the built environment. The findings might reveal the potential to make sound and significant forecasts when accounting for demography dynamics and assist stakeholders’ cooperation toward adequate urban and regional policies.

Keywords: life-course data, experimental design, online survey, mobility biography, Bucharest-Ilfov Metropolitan Area



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