Fauve-Chamoux 2022
The European Rural Stem Family as a Determinant of Illegitimacy
Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux
Article information
Volume: XVI Issue: 1, Pages: 9-44
Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux
University of the Western Cape, Statistic and Population Studies Department,
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2, rue Emile Faguet, 75014 Paris, France, 00-33-145-396473,
This essay examines to what extend illegitimacy was linked and even determined by rules of non-egalitarian transmission of family assets and values, as single-heir norm, in past Europe. Family transmission systems and mating strategies could explain why some regions, together with a high age at first marriage, used to present an important rate of illegitimacy: high frequency of births out of wedlock was observed in connexion with premarital work for young people, mostly non-inheriting daughters and sons being employed in domestic service. In rural context, this went with late marriage and/or impediments to regular unions, particularly in mountainous areas, that favoured “bastardy” and celibacy. The analyse of family transmission systems allows a better understanding of extramarital fertility. It is argued that the rural stem family was a main determinant of illegitimacy and marital nonconformism in past Europe.
Stem Family, Resilience, Illegitimacy, Rural property, Single-heirship transmission, Marriage strategy, Servants, Celibacy, Bastardy, Extramarital fertility, Marital nonconformism.
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